What would happen if amnesty was given to illegal immigrants living in the U.S.? Not just those from Spanish speaking countries, but those from every country. What would this mean for employers who hire illegal immigrants? Illegal immigrants' salaries would have to rise to minimum wage, so how would this play out? Add on free health care, what would this mean for hospitals?
I'm needing some opinions for a small survey for an Ethics class. Thanks.
Amnesty For Illegals?
You looking for ethics conversation?
OK, why forgive one type of crime and grant amnesty--and not others? Because illegal immigrants "come for a better life?" Puh-leez--they come for money.
Don't bank robbers actually rob banks for money? If a bank robber is from the ghetto...say SOuth Central LA, should we grant him/her amnesty too?
Reply:Thanks for the Best Answer! Report Abuse
Reply:If amnesty is given to the illegal aliens, the cost for retirement for those folks is a given. The cost in numbers? 2.2 Trillion Dollars.
This is an extensive site and a pretty good discussion of the issues. Amnesty, however, is a mind boggling stupied idea.
Reference for those who wish to know:
Reply:If amnesty was granted to all illegal immigrants it would lead to disaster for america. As it was in the 1980's, it will only promote more people to break the law and enter into america illegally. A lot of people like to talk about how "racist" a lot of americans are for wanting an end to illegal immigration and a violation of human rights to build a wall. But what about the rights of american who want their laws respected? or the rights of americans who want a secure border? these people who entered into our country realized the potential consequences of their actions that they could possibly be seperated from family. Enough is enough, its time for people to start respecting the rights of americans, and the rights of every person that wants to do the right thing for their nation without being called a racist for it.
Reply:very simple- CHAOS !
Reply:YES, but only to people who had been some years here working hard, paying taxes and conributing some way to the economy of the country. no to cash workers who avoid taxes and do not learn english and not are interested in helping to conribute to the economy. health care is paid the same way by illegals with deductions to social services, healthcare insurances and federal and local taxes eaven if that number does not belongs to them. IRS have give them the oportonity to pay taxes and some do eaven pay more and get less refound and no child credit but at least are good with uncle sam and already for some years, what its the difference then? I think they deserve the chance for an opportunity to a way to legalization. the rest can be tracked and deported.
Reply:If the millions of illegal immigrants in this country were just all of a sudden told that they were now legal, what kind of message does this send to the world? If I was trying to become a citizen, to me it would say "hey, if we can get another few million illegals in here, they'll grant amnesty again." It sets us up for the same situation in a few more years.
If you trespass on someone's backyard, you get arrested. These illegals are all trespassing on America's backyard, and they should be punished, not rewarded.
We already give them free care at hospitals. Some states give them drivers licenses. If they commit a crime, we put them in a prison here in the states, and our tax money goes to put food in their stomachs. Many illegals get food stamps, welfare, and social security. Why? They don't contribute. They don't pay taxes. But yet we give them benefits that are supposed to be reserved for people who pay in.
We need to ship them all back to where they came from, put up that wall/fence along the Mexican border, and crack down harder on people who hire illegals.
Reply:Round them up and deport them, whatever the cost. Fine the people that hire them to pay for this.
Reply:The amnesty of 1986 was granted to all, so why would you think that another amnesty would not be open to all. I am not for amnesty for anyone, because all that amnesty brings is more demands for more amnesty. In 1986 we granted amnesty to 3.1 illegals and now 20 years later we have 12-20 million demanding the same, and about 50,000 more coming each year. With the 50,000 more coming each year because our fearless leaders do not want to secure the borders, so wages will never go up because there is a endless supply of cheap labor. As to health care, 12-20 million illegals being granted the right to goverment paid health care other than the emergency care they are entitled to now, you do the math
Reply:One word. No. Everyone has a right to come to this country to try and better their lives. That's what America was founded on. But they should do it the proper way. Illegals are just that, and do not deserve amnesty.
Reply:Probably exactly what happened last time we had an amnesty for illegal aliens -- a HUGE rise in the number of illegal aliens finding their way here and settling here in hopes of forcing another amnesty. Wages drop. Schools become overcrowded. Hospitals close. Infrastructure is overused and endangered...and so on and so on.
Rewarding illegal activity only encourages more of the same. We should have learned that the first time around and stop repeating the same mistake over and over.
Reply:Hell no. Texas would rise up. Do it legally or face the consequences, government mandated or not.
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