Sunday, May 3, 2009

Salary Survey?

I live in NW Oklahoma and work for a chemical manufacturing company and make $29.90 per hour. How does this stack up to the rest of the country? I know it may be lower than some areas but the cost of living is very low. The only cost that is high is gasolinebut it is high everywhere.|||You didn%26#039;t indicate your position. I too am curious about your survey.

I live in southern California and work for the phone company as a tech. Union pay for my position is 31.63 per hour. Cost of living is pretty high because of housing. I think we could get along with just my salary but that%26#039;s because our condo will be paid off in December.

Our son is up to $35hr as he just turned out as a sheet metal union journeyman, same area.

Of course, once you add in benefits, my union is much better than his with 7:0 holidays, 6:0 sick days, 3:0 weeks paid vacation. We both have good paid medical and dental insurance, and so far a pension plan.

Median house is over $400k.

Meanwhile his fiance%26#039;s annual income last year was under 30k, non-union clerical.

It will be interesting to see the answers to your question.|||What type of work do you do for the company? That%26#039;s great pay if you%26#039;re sweeping floors, but not very good pay if you%26#039;re a chemical engineer or physical chemist.

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